PostgreSQL, create new database and transactions
Posted: 19 Oct 2021, 18:07
This is the very fiorst time I am using PostgreSQL, so the likeliest possibility is that I missed something.
I am trying to create a new Gestinux instance on a PostgreSQL server (I am using 9.2.24 if you wonders; also I rebuild the cluster to use UTF-8 as encoding).
I have a connection between the program and the server. I go to the Database menu, select postgresql as protocol, gestinux as database name, feed user and password. I got as expected a validation because that database is "not created or not visible to me. OK to create?" Fine, let's try...
No. I cannot create it.
This is what the (regular) server logfile has to say (after switching from Spanish to English):
I see there is code within TGDbConnection.CreateDatabase_PgSql (lines 420-450 of util/gdbconnection.pas) which may be relevant, but I do not understand what is the purpose of it:
I tried the obvious (?) hack to move the TransactIsolationLevel := tiNone; instruction to occur after the CREATE DATABASE statement, but it does not work.
This is the very fiorst time I am using PostgreSQL, so the likeliest possibility is that I missed something.
I am trying to create a new Gestinux instance on a PostgreSQL server (I am using 9.2.24 if you wonders; also I rebuild the cluster to use UTF-8 as encoding).
I have a connection between the program and the server. I go to the Database menu, select postgresql as protocol, gestinux as database name, feed user and password. I got as expected a validation because that database is "not created or not visible to me. OK to create?" Fine, let's try...
No. I cannot create it.
I went a bit deeper using the development version, and enabled some logging.(SQL Error: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block)
This is what the (regular) server logfile has to say (after switching from Spanish to English):
This is what is registered within SqlDebug.log file:ERROR: CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction block
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
And this is what I got with a TZSQLMonitor put in the Database form:CREATE DATABASE "gestinux" WITH ENCODING='UTF8' CONNECTION LIMIT=-1
SQL Error: ERROR: CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction block
Code: Select all
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Connect, proto: postgresql-9, msg: CONNECT TO "postgres" AS USER ""
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Transaction, proto: postgresql-9, msg: BEGIN
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Execute, proto: postgresql-9, msg: select setting from pg_settings where name = 'standard_conforming_strings'
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Execute, proto: postgresql-9, msg: select setting from pg_settings where name = 'bytea_output'
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Execute, proto: postgresql-9, msg: SELECT version()
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Prepare, proto: postgresql-9, msg: Statement 1 : SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname <> 'postgres' AND datname NOT LIKE 'template%'
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Execute prepared, proto: postgresql-9, msg: Statement 1
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Prepare, proto: postgresql-9, msg: Statement 2 : SELECT n.nspname,c.relname,a.attname,a.atttypid,a.attnotnull,a.atttypmod,a.attlen,a.attnum,pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid) as adsrc,dsc.description, dn.nspname as cnspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON (c.relnamespace = n.oid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid=c.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef def ON (a.attrelid=def.adrelid AND a.attnum = def.adnum) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description dsc ON (c.oid=dsc.objoid AND a.attnum = dsc.objsubid) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class dc ON (dc.oid=dsc.classoid AND dc.relname='pg_class') LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace dn ON (dc.relnamespace=dn.oid AND dn.nspname='pg_catalog') WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND c.oid = 1262 ORDER BY nspname,relname,attnum
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Execute prepared, proto: postgresql-9, msg: Statement 2
2021-10-19 17:17:39 cat: Execute, proto: postgresql-9, msg: SELECT oid, typname, typbasetype,typtype FROM pg_type WHERE (typtype = 'b' and oid < 10000) OR typtype = 'p' OR typtype = 'e' OR typbasetype<>0 ORDER BY oid
2021-10-19 17:17:42 cat: Transaction, proto: postgresql-9, msg: SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED
2021-10-19 17:17:42 cat: Prepare, proto: postgresql-9, msg: Statement 3 : CREATE DATABASE "gestinux" WITH ENCODING='UTF8' CONNECTION LIMIT=-1
2021-10-19 17:17:42 cat: Execute, proto: postgresql-9, msg: CREATE DATABASE "gestinux" WITH ENCODING='UTF8' CONNECTION LIMIT=-1
, errcode: 0, error: ERROR: CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction block
2021-10-19 17:17:49 cat: Execute, proto: some PostgreSQL protocol, msg: SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED, errcode: 0, error: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Code: Select all
procedure TGDbConnection.CreateDatabase_PgSql(const aDatabaseName: string);
OldTransactIsolationLevel: TZTransactIsolationLevel;
OldTransactIsolationLevel := TransactIsolationLevel;
TransactIsolationLevel := tiNone;
// create database, connected to server
ExecSqlDataDefinition('CREATE DATABASE "' + aDatabaseName +
'" WITH ENCODING=''UTF8'' CONNECTION LIMIT=-1', aDatabaseName, 'ErrorCreatingDatabase');
// must connect to the created database, not to the server
Connected := False;
Database := aDatabaseName;
Connected := True;
// create language if not existing
if not ExistingQuery('SELECT 1 FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = ' +
StringSql('plpgsql')) then